Putting together an Aesop's fables deck whose engine revolves around animals with ETB triggers and token creation solely so I can commission an artist to make me a set of custom tokens featuring my friends as the animals.
(And suddenly realizing I don’t know any tigers 👀)
Superb Owl Food Stream
Let us be your big game pre-show! We’re making cheeseburger sliders and queso before kickoff this afternoon! https://twitch.tv/andrewcooks
dated tv humor
In the first season of “Buffy the Vampire Slayer,” since The Master was a vampire who’d been trapped underground for so many years, AND he was played by Mark Metcalf … they totally should have had a scene when he finally escapes to the surface, where he finds a Twisted Sister LP, and he picks it up in shock and disdain and says, “What is THIS?! TWISted SISter?!?” 😂
🐳: furry biggins
That thing where you get new art and love it so much you must craft a phone wallpaper from it, so you have an excuse to sneak peeks. 👀
🖼️: Brennan (full pic to be on Patreon:
patreon.com/Kindofabigsealart )
Terf game
I should really stop talking about the dumb thing as I am quickly just becoming free press for it but....
The weird action of people claiming there has been harrassment of players with no EVIDENCE of harrasment and only heresay certainly say something.
Can I believe it? Sure, because I hate people. But the people making the claim have every reason to want to lie and change the topic and the size and scope claimed demands evidence.
Just a pine marten who likes to bake, art by billcatter
Lawful Neutral