

I’m like level 86 in ring fit and I finally got the goddamn jackknife pose (sit on your ass, raise your knees and your arms so you’re balanced and hold, RF calls this the ‘boat pose’) which is a godsend for ab stuff and is thankfully really useful in game. I’m feeling pretty good about my progress - I definitively look better and have lost at least some weight (also due to diet stuff). I’m still not bikini ready but I’m gonna wear it anyway because does anyone ever truly feel bikini ready


@angrboda I had to look up ring fit after your posts and it looks really fun!


@smallesttiger it’s been a fun thing to do every morning - it’s not like, an incredible workout but it makes it enough of a game that it’s easier to come back to than just trudging onto the elliptical or going downstairs to lift. I hadn’t been working out at all for a while so it’s definitely an ‘anything’s better than nothing’ scenario


@angrboda This is really something to be proud of. I picked up Ring Fit just before the holidays but haven't been able to get into a routine of using it.

Hearing you talk about it makes me want to give it another shot and try to actually stick with it.

My biggest problems are that my TV isn't in a great spot to exercise in front of, and I was having some trouble getting the leg-sensor to stay put so it wasn't detecting stuff that well.


@tfproxy wear shorts - the leg strap stays on your leg waaaaay better if you do. I’m still having a hard time getting it to register how well I’m doing squats, but I basically just avoid those for my attacks (the game uses squats as a traversal mechanic a lot in later levels so you’ll end up doing them regardless). Also I have monster quads so squats is the thing I feel like RF can help me the least with - I need to actually lift to do meaningful work there.


@angrboda how long do you typically go for when you're doing it? Like one mission or something? Or do you do like the non-story workout things?


@tfproxy I run the story until I burn 150-200 calories, or more on the weekend when I have more time (typically 20-30 minutes of time on the clock, so 45 ish mins of actual time). On weekdays I grind the actual levels and avoid gyms and boss fights as much as I can since the levels burn more calories. On the weekend when I have more time to play I go back to old levels and complete missions and challenges to 100% them.

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