

Just waiting on 2 more packages that should hopefully come tomorrow and then everything I’ll give to people physically will be delivered! I’ve been watching the tracking on stuff for friends and it seems like it’s all moving along; I hope folks get everything. My first present for a friend was a big hit so hopefully that holds, haha


The present I’m most excited for is giving my sister’s kids the Switch. My favorite xmas gift of all time was an SNES so it’s cool to be able to kind of pay it forward. I set it up w/ accounts / miis of their whole family and the one I made for my sister is my favorite, haha


I’m terrible about spoiling presents (I always get nervous if people will like them and just blab before Xmas, it’s a bad habit) but that one is unspoiled! I had gotten terry an extra unspoiled present in addition to the one they picked out but I blabbed on it yesterday -_-;;


@angrboda haha that reminded me of gifting one of my friends a tablet computer that i didn't need any more. before sending it to her as i was cleaning up the files i made a new account, and set the user account icon and wallpaper to be art of her sona

(also that sounds like a cool gift and having it set-up like that beforehand is very cool. i have similar memories about getting a Game Boy Color as a gift and then picking out Pokemon Blue at the store b/c the turtle looked neat)


@kotep 1) that sounds very sweet

2) the turtle was, in fact, neat (I mean... I do like blastoise even if I’m a total mark for charizard...)

(venusaur is fine)


@angrboda charizard is the clear winner of three imo


@angrboda This sounds exceedingly sweet. :blue_heart:

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