Thinking about @IsDaGany and "bullying".
Though I can't really think of any good "bullying" techniques other than pushing against a locker/into a locker... Lunch money is an option but seems too mean. Not to mention the toilet stuff.
@arina_artemis heh. Just pin me against the locker and give me no choice but to give some love, heh. 🥰
@IsDaGany I was mostly thinking about Caden/Callie bullying me TBH. 😊 😅
@IsDaGany G-gosh~ Thank you~
@arina_artemis *ruffles your hair slightly roughly, but not enough to cause any discomfort, just enough to really make you feel the petting* You’re welcome, nerd~ ❤️
@IsDaGany Nuzzles into the pettings happily
@arina_artemis Yeah, that’s right~ That’s a good nerd~