@Gargron hi there. I was wondering, if it's not to forward of me, what is the process for a product designer to help with the mastodon project? xx

@atomicbutterfly I'm in charge of the project so contacting me is a good first step. We've never had contributions from product designers before (design usually comes from me, and sometimes it's part of a feature someone submits as code). I don't know what a product designer's workflow is like, but I imagine at some point it involves giving me a visual idea so I implement it in code?

@Gargron It can vary, but visual version control tools like www.goabstract.com allow teams to see and discuss design (can be public or private). I like using InVision, because it makes style and asset handover really easy and allows prototyping to get a sense of flow. But I'm pretty flexible.


@Gargron I look at UX and holistic experience. While I have my impressions, it depends if you ever wanted this to be for everyone or if you want it to be for the people who "get it" on what I would suggest. My feeling is that it's hard to understand for a newbie. I could do a write up and share via google notes if you like?

@atomicbutterfly I want this to be for everyone, of course. And sure, I'll gladly take a look.

@Gargron Great! I usually need about 4 hrs of testing stuff, and then extra to write up, so expect me to ping you in two, maybe 3 weeks?

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