Green light for unlimited data snooping on the horizon:
“While perhaps seemingly unconnected at first glance, the two rights — the right to an abortion, and the right to privacy — are connected in U.S. law”
@reiver I think expression engine might be our thing. It looks like categories can be split across several sites
@reiver I know hosted Wordpress does have subscribe by category plugins. Or you can just subscribe to category rss if you’re that way inclined.
@atomicpoet britpop tho! And trip hop, like Tricky.
It was a glorious time to be in Oxford, home of Radiohead (my fave band for that decade), I can tell you.
@atomicpoet perfect! Thank you for the tip!
@atomicpoet nice. I’m still looking for a write up or post explaining how to set it up. Guess it’s GitHub for me.
@atomicpoet I salute you. I can’t get my sites to sync to activity pub. 😂
@JonathanGerlach @stevestreza the tone really tells you it’s a “second class citizen” choice in their opinion.
@reiver @atomicpoet oh, that makes sense. Like how kids wrote on slates because paper was expensive. There’s was some debate if the experience of writing on slate (extra friction and noise) helped memory and learning. Similar to pen vs screen writing today. @toni nothing really tastes like milk, there’s a slight acidity that I sometimes add apple cider vinegar to fake milk in recipes to replicate. It’s also got this almost fermented quality to it.
mostly on why web 3 being overhyped and why it can't fix things - although it could be fun!
@thomasfuchs this has been a head scratcher for economists for decades, since they used to believe people would act in their self interest- and they repeatedly do not. Not individually or even collective best interest.
So now they’re incorporating identity and culture tribalism into the mix.
But it’s depressing here in Madrid, too. I’m masking in stores etc. hubs is not. Many workers in stores don’t.
@phire @atomicpoet 💯 to needing to define good metrics. Not saying it’s easy, or it wouldn’t be a whole job.
@phire @atomicpoet in the end, it’s easy to put to rest by a/b testing. It’s either proved or disproved that something works.
@phire @atomicpoet that’s not to say that the majority of FB design wasn’t motivated by profit rather than what people actually used. But their internal testing showed most people didn’t use their post to select audience feature. (Now retired)
@phire @atomicpoet there are so many examples of people giving earnest feedback that they lie behaviour doesn’t match. The one so many founders know is people deluging you with “I would pay for that” regarding a pay monthly product in idea stage only to not pay for that when it’s launched. Similarly, people who lamented that they would pay for a social media platform that didn’t sell ads.. just don’t (tumblr plus, mastodon) for the most part.
@atomicpoet @atomicbutterfly this is so important. one of the reasons FB became so big was ignoring what people said they wanted (post filtering, etc) and looking at how they behaved when they rolled out different designs.
Another example of people giving feedback that doesn’t match their behaviour: laugh tracks on comedy. People always say remove laugh tracks, but time after time, they rate comedy less funny without them.
Product designer | Head geek @ | #spoonie | 👸🏽 of http://Wyld.Media | 🦜floki 7ys| 👶🏼 Θαΐς 2 yrs | 🇶🇦🇻🇨 🇬🇧 🇪🇸