@sargoth where we're you when you were #cursedbytheorb ?
@Sparrow legy freedom
@raccoon my whole internet is full-on gay for her today it's incredible
@Firstaide I have to sleep wrapped in towels until this blanket comes in the mail D:
@raccoon there's a blanket on the way but for now i'm still too cold
@raccoon doubtpunk sara
@bizbot job me up, jobbo
@bizbot what is my employment destiny
@bizbot what is my destiny
@raccoon wait there was supposed to be a ❤️ at the end of that last post
@raccoon goooood luuuck
@eris this rules
@confusedcharlot i looked at it and fixed it in like 30 seconds
spiky oubliette - furry plural... flural - she/her - lesbian - 33 - 510