Shameless self-promotion
Unabashed feels
Unabashed thoughts
Probly bashed, tbh
Pick your favorite animal category, bash darnit
@girlfiend @ThatDamnCat awooo~
@ThatDamnCat sometimes you just get pulled along by life *hugs*
@confusedcharlot @blackle but i can transform into a sphere with no problem, here let me show you
@blackle @confusedcharlot i'm definitely a stellated icosahedron
@blackle @confusedcharlot can i get a fursuit commissioned that's just a platonic solid
@blackle suri is goodi
@blackle hi friend!
@thefishcrow punching the veil that is resting over jeve stobs' ghost's lousy face
@thefishcrow jeve stobs
spiky oubliette - furry plural... flural - she/her - lesbian - 33 - 510