sleep schedule adjustment update:
this is only the 3rd day of going to bed and getting up earlier, and so far i'm having difficulty adjusting :P i'm sleepier than ever each morning, and finding it more difficult to actually get to sleep at the earlier hour every night. i'm going to keep trying though wheee zzzz
food, indecision
paralyzed with indecision about what to do right now. i'm hungry, so i should go home to eat, but i'm also behind on work, so i'm thinking of ordering something & continuing to work, because by the time i get home & make food i won't feel like working afterwards, since i'll be home...
instead of doing either i'm just waffling here on social media ):
i like bunnies and godzilla. he/him. alt account of @bunnyhero in this cozier, safer space. warning: i will vent here