but yeah for real the big opt out button is over at https://www.myhealthrecord.gov.au/for-you-your-family/opt-out-my-health-record and it takes 2 seconds and needs only your ID (license, passport, &c accepted) and your medicare card and I firmly believe you should opt out and not trust this system
this is a system which is *absolutely* going to be weaponised against people with mental health issues, and has been implemented with no consideration of the stigma it’s going to irrevocably spread for many people, and no concept of consent or autonomy
@cat is there no separation of psych records out from other records like Kaiser does?
part of the reason it’s possible to actually have concerns addressed right now is because you can go to a GP and describe symptoms and they don’t immediately get to look you up in a database and go “oh it must all be in your head” and this is going to absolutely ruin that