Two of the three Lunar games were ported to PS1 and were released in English by Working Designs back in 1999 and 2000, but the third in the series was never localized. I've been working on a translation project, which is very far along now. Hacking is 95% along now, and the translation is in progress!
I'm also looking at porting the official translations of Lunar: Silver Star Story and Lunar 2: Eternal Blue from PS1 to their original Saturn versions. The Saturn versions have some major technical advantages, including some really excellent music and higher-quality graphics and anime cutscenes. I also really would like people to be able to play the entire trilogy on the same console. :)
I haven't done much work on Eternal Blue yet, but I'll be leaving it until the other two are closer to being finished. I have, however, finished up writing the tool that's necessary to redub the Saturn version's FMVs - which is open source, and is probably useful for other Saturn fan translations too.
Here's the fixed version of the same scene, used from the second Saturn release onwards. Notice how the lip movements *actually* match the voice? lol
Working on this also led me to discover some fun stuff, like how one FMV has some very obvious animation errors in the original release! 😅 It got fixed later, but the lip-syncing is obviously *very* wrong in the first version of this scene.