Bloodstained alternate ending spoiler //
In Bloodstained, you play as one of two surviving Shardbinders, an alchemical experiment that gave people the ability to bond with shards of demons and use their powers. The other Shardbinder, your childhood friend, got all evil & summoned up a big castle full of demons. Your mission is to stop him.
When you've explored about half the castle, you find the room he's hanging out in. You fight, you win -- it isn't an especially interesting fight, he doesn't transform or anything -- and it cuts to you and your exposition buddy in the ruined town.
"You did what you came here to do."
"Yes… but is it really okay to leave the huge castle full of invading demons?"
"You've done your part; the Church can take care of it from here."
and that's it. that's the default ending if you play the game normally.
re: Bloodstained alternate ending spoiler //
@eimbers wat
…alright, I'll try that.