re: apple updates
@porsupah @anthracite Oh dang Aperture is still usable?! I loved that and I still deeply dislike, and I regret converting my library.
I'm glad that Monterey finally lets you explicitly share stuff between machines instead of just hoping/praying that Handoff detects that you might be trying to do a thing. And also I'm glad that they FINALLY sync do-not-disturb across all devices.
The FaceTime updates seem neat but there is only one person I regularly FaceTime with and it's a 1:1 thing. At work we use a hodgepodge of Zoom and Google Meet, both of which are endlessly cloning one another without adding any real quality-of-life improvements.
I'm disappointed that they didn't talk about hardware revisions today, but I'm not in a huge hurry to upgrade anyway. My M1 mini is doing fine for now.
@zorinlynx FINALLY
@QuestForTori I am incredibly intrigued by that one
@fribbledom She just wanted the REAL Michael Knight.
@typhlosion it's really frustrating and when I've contacted their support on twitter they're just like "maybe don't try downloading stuff so quickly" and I'm like... dude, you're, like, a music download service
@typhlosion yeah they're running into scaling failure and part of how they've tried to deal with it is by throttling the rate at which people can download stuff, instead of scaling up their download servers and/or improving the download process
also back in 1995 this game was going to totally revolutionize graphics, what with having DYNAMIC SHADOWS and stuff
Examples: (demo has some NSFW bits)
Comic books make extreme sensory sensitivity seem like an amazing superpower but I absolutely promise you it isn’t
tried another MSG sausage dose today, with a larger patty than last time, and yeah I'm definitely feeling something like what I used to
anyone in Seattle want a bunch of pretty good but MSG-laden ground sausage? I don't think I'll be eating the rest of this
Now there’s a big fat pigeon pacing around in front of the coop and she’s doing the little bird chatter thing.
Current status: staring at the chicken coop while doing a cute little grumble every few seconds
Anyway my garden is coming along. I had to thin the carrots yesterday and there’s still too many! A nice problem to have.
The other day I was getting some mulch from my mulch pile and I was surprised to see that there were some peanuts buried in it.
Just now I looked out my window at it and saw a squirrel trying its best to not be seen, standing on the fence by the mulch pile, a peanut in its mouth.
I think the mystery is solved.
I was taking her on a walk and she was curious about the neighbors' chickens. So I took her over to the coop.
Fiona locked eyes with a chicken.
The chicken went "bok."
Fiona went "nyooooooom," tail puffed up, all the way back to the house.
Seattle-based music/code/comics critter. Vaguely friend-shaped. Fibro-spoony, queer, ADHD, and anxious as heck. Handle with care.