does an Android TV have an accelerometer/gyroscope in it at all? and if so, can that be used to have a built-in level display?
gofundme for a winning bid on the Amazon/SpaceX initial flight so that I can commit a murder in low-earth orbit
also back in 1995 this game was going to totally revolutionize graphics, what with having DYNAMIC SHADOWS and stuff
Examples: (demo has some NSFW bits)
Comic books make extreme sensory sensitivity seem like an amazing superpower but I absolutely promise you it isn’t
tried another MSG sausage dose today, with a larger patty than last time, and yeah I'm definitely feeling something like what I used to
anyone in Seattle want a bunch of pretty good but MSG-laden ground sausage? I don't think I'll be eating the rest of this
Now there’s a big fat pigeon pacing around in front of the coop and she’s doing the little bird chatter thing.
Current status: staring at the chicken coop while doing a cute little grumble every few seconds
Anyway my garden is coming along. I had to thin the carrots yesterday and there’s still too many! A nice problem to have.
The other day I was getting some mulch from my mulch pile and I was surprised to see that there were some peanuts buried in it.
Just now I looked out my window at it and saw a squirrel trying its best to not be seen, standing on the fence by the mulch pile, a peanut in its mouth.
I think the mystery is solved.
I was taking her on a walk and she was curious about the neighbors' chickens. So I took her over to the coop.
Fiona locked eyes with a chicken.
The chicken went "bok."
Fiona went "nyooooooom," tail puffed up, all the way back to the house.
Seattle-based music/code/comics critter. Vaguely friend-shaped. Fibro-spoony, queer, ADHD, and anxious as heck. Handle with care.