(not a subtoot but someone’s toot reminded me of it)
I love how the Millennials killed X thing highlights a frequent imbalance when it comes to economic talk. Why is it that millennials are blamed for simply not being interested in buying certain forms of shit, instead of say ‘demand for this product is real low, X company is failing to appeal to newer, younger markets’
If it’s a free market, why are millennials the framing device here instead of the companies?
Programming is great because you can just take that huge messy chuck from the middle of your function and hide it away under a new name in a new function and feel good about how you "cleaned up" the original function by abstracting the internals.
This is exactly how I used to clean my room as a kid - I'd refactor all the junk on the floor to be under my bed. Boom - problem solved.
#introductions / #introduction
Hi everyone! I'm ftl, formerly @ftl@physi.cc . I live in the SF bay area, have previously lived elsewhere in the CA, the midwest, and the east coast. I play #boardgames and #DnD (#D&D ???) . Oh, and #tennis , lots of #tennis. Also have gotten involved in #politics since the last election, but am going to try to minimize the political content of this account and leave that for birdsite.
Is your child practicing questionable machine learning? Know the signs—
lol: let's overfit lots
tbh: totally bogus hypothesis
btw: bias the weights
omg: 'obtain' more gpus
smh: singularity might happen
rofl: reference only friends & labmates
brb: beat ridiculous baseline
lmao: let mturkers answer obv
smdh: sorry my data's hardcoded
May I draw your attention to this hilarious example of fooling an image recognition algorithm with a small patch of carefully engineered noise?
"Why Did Two-Thirds of These Weird Antelope Suddenly Drop Dead?" https://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2018/01/why-did-two-thirds-of-this-weird-antelope-suddenly-drop-dead/550676/
(A changing climate turned a bacteria that is part of their system rouge)
@jk @natecull nothing can match "Sky Walkers cross Han Solo"
Languages come, and languages go, but C lasts forever.½©~əbé=a282-32-1111###aaaSegmentation fault (core dumped).
@noelle There's more to the story, and it makes it worse. The coaim in this article was that she was institutionalized "When she became emotional at the police station". Full story: she was at the police station to pick up her BMW, and "became emotional" when the police refused to believe it was hers. In addition to being kept in the hospital until she admitted Obama didn't follow her, she was told to say she wasn't a banker and the BMW was not hers. See https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/black-woman-held-in-mental-hospital-because-police-didnt-believe-bmw-was-hers-10498704.html .
“If tea spread to your country by sea, you call it ‘tea’. If by land, you call it chai.
(*This is because the ports of Fujian and Taiwan use the coastal pronunciation ‘te’, whereas Mandarin uses chá.)”
@cypnk yeah. i feel like printers are an unusually clear example of all the ways that the market slowly but irresistibly unsolves a class of solved problems.
Finding a CPU Design Bug in the Xbox 360
<<The recent reveal of Meltdown and Spectre reminded me of the time I found a related design bug in the Xbox 360 CPU – a newly added instruction whose mere existence was dangerous.>>
Data Scientist in the bay. Tennis player (4.5). D&D, Gloomhaven, and board game enthusiast. Pronouns he/him.