Ever feel like you're just annoying when around new people?

Until i get fully comfortable around someone I constantly feel like I'm being annoying by messaging them and I end up second-guessing myself and wondering if they're just being nice and actually don't like me that much. I even get this with close friends, if they don't respond to a thing I say.

Lack of response is another problem I have, I never know how to interpret no response. Is it "didn't see" or "nothing to say" or "ignoring me"


@Felthry yeah definitely. I have found that if i lay low first several meetings eventually they like me organically. Things take time????

@glowinthed0rk I do not understand people and their weird signalling things! So I always end up assuming the worst and yay anxiety.

@glowinthed0rk also I will note that this is not directed at anyone in particular. Kinda been having these feelings re: several people I've met here and elsewhere recently, but mostly here simply because I'm new here and have met several people here in like two or three weeks

@Felthry i feel this a lot. Reading people is hard and knowing how ppl are gonna react to you is even harder

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