meet the newest member of the family, on his first full day at home! Raziel came from PAWS, is 2 months old, likes exploring, playing, cuddles, exploring, sleeping, cuddles, playing, food, and exploring, and purrs like a buzzsaw on overdrive. he's just over 2 lbs, has a vet appointment on Friday (but is in excellent health), and his markings remind me very much of a spotted skunk.
@Jacel Spouse and I were debating on a new name (he'd come to us as "Josh" which was like... no) and for some reason I kept coming up with angel names, so Spouse looked up a list and suggested it--the Angel of Mysteries. for when we go "RAZIEL WHERE ARE YOU WHAT ARE YOU GETTING INTO HOW DID YOU EVEN DO THAT"
@green @Jacel angel names are: good :)