Self Doubt, Memory [1/2]
Tonight I watched an actor I adore and have seen many times before in a film I didn't expect to see him in. I remember looking at him and thinking he looked familiar... but I didn't get that it was him until the credits rolled.
...I think I might have some form of face blindness? 'cause this happens a LOT to me, even with people I know well. I always feel awful about it.
This opened me up to thinking about my memory and how terrible it is; something I think about a lot.
Self Doubt, Memory [2/3]
I've always had a bad memory for recalling things on my own. I forget names of people I see and talk to every day; I forget words -- and not weird words like antidisestablishmentarianism or cantankerous, but really basic words like fire or bread.
I can't remember major life events until someone can remind me of their contents; then they start coming back.
I'm so frequently embarrassed by my memory that I'll often pretend to remember things I don't. >..<
Self Doubt, Gaslighting, Memory [3/3]
@mawr ohmygosh, I have such memory problems. I specifically have difficulty with context: I'll know I've seen a person's face before, but can't remember where or when; I'll recognize a name, but can't attach a face or any particular memory to it. and I have a bunch of "false memories", some back in childhood, that I have no idea if they're real or not--some I know for sure aren't, but parse *exactly* like the "real" ones.
Self Doubt, Gaslighting, Memory [3/3]
@mawr fwiw afaik none of my memory problems are specifically related to trauma, though I've had my share of abusive relationships and gaslighting attempts--I'm actually pretty resistant to gaslighting *because* of my bad memory; if I want to remember something I'll often write it down, and when gaslit about it later be like "no... see, here's where/when that happened..." :P
@green This is extremely relatable. :x
Self Doubt, Gaslighting, Memory [3/3]
@mawr nowdays I have no ability to remember how long ago anything happened. unless I can attach a specific date to it, like "last Wednesday" or "November 1998," my brain insists it happened "sometime in the past, maybe last month, maybe last year, maybe a decade ago? idklol"
part of my fascination with narratives is that I'm constantly having to reconstruct my own memories by making up narratives, of "first x happened, then y, that led to z..."