Taking a quick survey for a "friendly discussion" elsewhere:
If modern masculinity remained exactly the same, except that it totally abandoned the elements of degradation of women, bullying, abuse, and exploitation...
...and focused on, say, Doing Bold Physical Things Outdoors With Other Manly People, Cultivating A Masterful And Gentlemanly Mustachio, and Pugilizing Consensually With Other Likely Young Lads...
...would you be okay with it and drop all grievances against it?
@zebratron2084 yep, with the caveat that the Manly Activities allowed Less-Manly people to participate as well, if they wanted. and as long as the Ladies' Home Knitting and Anarchist Cookbook Craft Hour would also accept Manly Men types. but I suspect that getting rid of the degradation, abuse, etc. would take care of most of that anyway.
@zebratron2084 works for me! :D I mean, *gestures flailingly at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ladybeard * YES THIS PLEASE.