Infinity War Spicy Take
@literorrery oooh, yeah. also, he *was* a screaming hypocrite--not only because in several instances he didn't destroy *half* the population, but the *entire* population (Asgardian refugees, the place the Collector was, the Forge rings), but also because it only takes a teeny bit of thought to realize that *poof*ing away "half the population" of the universe would *immediately* lead to a dramatic drop in the *remaining* half, for so many reasons.
Infinity War Spicy Take
@literorrery not to mention that doing it as a one-time event is *ridiculous*. it's not going to change things for more than a few *generations*--a couple thousand years later, things will be if anything even *worse*.
also--half of *all life*, or all *sentient* life? because destroying half of *all life* WOULD cause catastrophic environmental failure all over the universe. and where do you define "sentient" anyway? SO MANY PROBLEMS HERE