In today's episode of "Why are you using technology that way???"
The results of using a Nintendo Wii as a basic http 1.1 server to serve a small webassembly game over LAN are inconclusive as to whether it'd be "intolerably slow" or merely "flash player nostalgia slow"
As the server failed to actual serve most of the files - even the small index.html often crashed the server or had the browser time out
Currently suspect old SD card is problem, other apps also very slow/crash prone
Did a few more tests using different SD Cards and USB Drives (both flash and external hdd) as well as different Wii http server homebrew
Outlook is looking grim. In all instances, either timeouts in browser or core dump on Wii before it's even done serving index.html, the site's icon and a small js file, let alone hitting the actual big files to serve