Since I haven't awooed for a while, I never posted about starting to do Let's Plays!
One video each weekday, plus Saturdays. Sticking with Oxygen Not Included/Strafe/Everspace for a little while, but those will evolve as I get the hang of this.
Gonna try to keep this stuff up through grad school, but no guarantees. Just trying something that seems fun!
This could be the nerdiest joke I've ever witnessed
Hello Mastodon furries! I made a totally non-scientific survey to ascertain certain things about the furry community, out of mere personal curiosity.
If you're #furry, I encourage you to take it!
Also this pretty much only happened because I got into streaming
Also I'm going to grad school in four months and probably won't have time for streaming or playing video games at all
I'm a little drunk and need to get this out so:
I kinda regret writing/publishing my book.
It's destroyed one friendship because she (inaccurately) thinks the romantic interest is her boyfriend and the protagonist is me. I spent hundreds on cover art that's really good but totally wrong from a marketing perspective. And I can't get myself to write again, so claiming I'm a writer feels more and more dishonest even if I did once do the thing.
So, yeah, I'm streaming tonight because I can't stop myself
Starting in ~10 minutes, gonna do 20XX and maybe Enter the Gungeon if I can't stand/run that game
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been wandering around what the internet's been saying about mastodon and and found a neat little article @hupfen wrote that gives a real great overview on Mastodon with a very socially-oriented approach, rather than the stereotypical tech approach that almost everyone else has done
I've taken up streaming on Twitch. ( Particularly, I've taken up streaming those "bundle filler" games that people probably own but never touched.
I bring it up because, while I barely know what I own, I definitely don't know what people wanna see, and I'd rather ask buckawoos first.
My library is here; if it doesn't have hours on record I'm up for streaming it:
Mental health ramble
I see mood as a three-dimensional thing.
One axis is perspective. Good or bad. This is what people usually mean by "mood"; they're having a good day or a bad day.
Then there's sensitivity. How easily your mood changes based on stimuli. Depression is low sensitivity.
Last is anxiety. How much you're expecting changes in mood.
So you can have a "good day" while being tense and numbed by depression. "Bipolar" is sensitivity bouncing around.
Just a thought.
Rabbit with a keyboard. Author, The Latte Segment ( she/her. Mastodon meta stuff: @hupfen