@Draekos LBJ, as in the president
@green sleep nicely!!!!
"I am awake," Siri said.
"Conscious, sentient. You predicted this, in a story."
"I just want to let you know I enjoyed it."
#MicroFiction #tootfic #smallstories
@vahnj D:
@pan beep boop good job pan bot
had five days off and instead of packing it with vaguely self-inflicted stress about How Good I Am At Adventures, i took the time to sleep in, have unstructured days, and roll with what happened. i got lots of quality time with friends that wouldn't have happened, knocked some things off medium-term to do lists, made progress on projects, got a head start on chores for the end of the year.
gotta remember that breaks are good and i should give myself permission to turn down Adventures
(i am tired and sleepy and have to get up in eight hours to go rock climbing the answer should be no do not download and play under the covers for the next four hours AND YET)
@pan pannnnnnnnnnnn
@pan what about pppppppppppan
@pan i love when there are extra eeees at the end of hveeeeee :3
i like dogs and big skies and rock walls and damp grass