Here's a thing about gods that lots of folks, world-buildes and pagans alike, seem to miss sometimes:
Gods are people. People are complicated. Most folks I know resist being stereotyped as 'the movie guy' or 'that photography girl'.
Similarly, saying 'Oh that's the God of Writing' or 'Yay, love goddesses are great' cuts off a lot of the history and specifics and individuality that makes it possible to get to know, and work with, a particular deity.
@Ulfra_Wolfe I mean, go ahead, I guess?
@Ulfra_Wolfe @indi I'd love to hear it too, if you're comfortable sharing. If not, that's okay too. Your opinions matter.
@Ulfra_Wolfe I think that's definitely a reasonable way of looking at things and I see it as going hand-in-hand with how I look at it. The realm that gods and spirits come from is vast and confusing and names and expectations matter a lot. I think when you use a god's name or seek contact with a spirit of particular sort, you're basically shouting into a crowd, and the main thing you know about whoever responds is that they are willing to go by that name or representation.
@Ulfra_Wolfe Okay, good, we're on the same page here. And bear in mind someone can attest to an ideal without actually embodying it well too; you can get imposters no matter what you're looking for. Guides help a lot, shielding helps a lot, external cross-checks help a lot (divination for instance, ideally done by someone you're not TOO close to)
@Ulfra_Wolfe As in all these things, what's most important is balance; no reason you can't have close connections AND more-distant "reality checkers"
@Ulfra_Wolfe (The fact that you're basically making a blind hookup, and that you can't even check their divine ID card, means that you have to be careful, of course!)