@makyo In before @literorrerysuggests just calling it "Bulldada Quarterly" ;)
@irisjaycomics @makyo @literorrery I mean I'm not hearing a down side. ;)
@irisjaycomics @literorrery @makyo And now I realize even "New Weird" is a label that's going on 20 years old now. Wooow...
Seriously though I want a silly-cool made up title. ;)
@irisjaycomics @makyo @indi Def. I'm down for this.
@literorrery ...I am legitimately embarrassed to admit that I thought that was a Vonnegut word, not a Subgenius word. I need to crack open my Postfurry Influences 101 textbook more often. >.<
@indi @makyo ... I wouldn't, but only because I wouldn't presume to force anybody else into the SubGenius label.