@literorrery Hey wanna help me make up a new identity label word? ;)
@literorrery What do you got for something that connotes being meaningfully other-than-human, without using the words 'other' or 'human'. Bonus points if it still clearly connects back to the historical antecedents. ;)
@indi First thought that comes to mind is "allanthrope." Which, admittedly, is cheating a bit, 'cause it's "other (than) human" in Greek.
Depending on where you want the sense-of-self-as-nonhuman to sit, there's constructions like "xenophrene" (foreign mind). Not sure I like it, but I did find "autognostic" (self-knowing), which feels closer but also suggests a belief angle that may not fit everyone's appreciation.
I'll turn this one over in my head some more tomorrow.