@typhlosion I have a story that I should really finish making a Twine of. But like it's more Crossed Wires furry than like, deeply furry?
Furry politics
@typhlosion @Fuego I think every 'new thing' furry population gets less shitty over time as individuals mature and it gets attention from broader groups than just 'one newbie who wanted to be cool'
I hear the same thing happened with feathered raptors back in the olden days.
it's not just appearance; sergals really are constructed from cheese wedges of various shapes #sergalfacts
Servals are the larval stage of sergals. #sergalfacts
@typhlosion Sergal Facts: All Sergals are named Chad.
@typhlosion Chad Zacklemorp.
@typhlosion He 100% looks like a Chad. Chad is best default name for 'odious dudebro' ;)
@typhlosion Okay now Mark Zuckerberg saying "Sergal sergal sergal-sergal sergal" is gonna haunt my dreams. thanks. XD
@boots Couldn't you sorta brute-force the reporter's handle by just hashing all the account names on that instance though?
@typhlosion That's what toys eat right?
@typhlosion Is that just the 🝘 talking? ;)
Home Column Stuff
@thefishcrow Wow, I definitely need to be following some of the folks you're following then. :D
Otherkin Mention
@thefishcrow I think I get what you mean. Honestly, most of the otherkin I talk to end up having much more complex 'kintypes than just 'oh this one specific thing'
Admittedly, that may just be my friends, and none of the respectable otherkin will get anywhere near my weird patchwork butt. ;)
Otherkin Mention
@thefishcrow Huh. I never even thought about "different fursona vs kintype" being a thing until now. I mean it makes sense, just never worked out that way for me.
*pauses, eyes several other characters be plays regularly* Er, well…
@binary *whispers* I actually do too. c.c;
@binary @CoronaCoreanici Oh, yeah, true.
Coyotes are the true virtuoso singers of the animal kingdom. ^.^
@typhlosion I have literally RPed this sort of thing .What even does that make me? XD
@CoronaCoreanici Oh, right, "good PR" ;)
@CoronaCoreanici ...Wait why does everyone think foxes are cute. again? ;)
pronouns: he/him • ve/ver
Glowy Postfurry Gay Coyotter Rave Toy.
Responding to @mentions and not much else. 💜