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The vows I make are a big part of my New Year's ritual every year. Here they are!

Ready for 2400 words about the Noble Eightfold Path? No? Sorry about that, here it is anyway.


Told ya. Republicans want to adjourn until tomorrow because McCarthy doesn't have the votes.

Democrats shouldn't agree just to make McCarthy go through some things... again.



To create internal conflict, ask:
“Why am I feeling this?”

To create internal safety, ask:
"What is it like to feel this?”

The second question replaces judgment with curiosity and helps you meet your emotions with greater presence and understanding.


Tonight: beef and pepper mafalda pasta w/ currants and quatre épices.

Inexplicably, I have dodged COVID so far. I feel very lucky


Ok, who made it to 2023 without ever having a positive Covid test? Tell me I’m not alone here.


Today’s dish: shrimp piccata with orzo, zucchini, and tomatoes.

The annual review of a few fundamental Buddhist concepts. Everything changes, even our understanding.

Today’s dish: seared scallops and garlic-herb risotto with artichoke hearts, capers, and lemon. :9





Heading towards the Year of the Rabbit dear Twitter friends, which stands for patience, happiness, and peace, all of which I wish you, with gentleness, love and health in 2023! 💖


When will the NFL add the number of concussions suffered to a player’s stats?

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