Ask me stuff! Anything and everything! Lewds to if you wanna keep things partitioned, but I'll answer them here too!

@kelseyhusky I've been meaning to ask, what about Mass Effect do you connect with? It seems to be a thing that's really resonant for you :)

Mass Effect and Kelsey (CW: LONG) 

@starkatt Whoospark! Strap in and hydrate; you're gonna be here for a while

Mass Effect to me is a distillation of everything that I love about Science Fiction. There's spaceships, galaxy saving, alien worlds to explore, a charismatic, principled leader, who does the right things for the right reasons, amazing and fun characters to learn about, fall in love with, (and bang, I won't deny that.) There's sentient robots. different KINDS of sentient robots, there's societal shifts, ancient conspiracies, DEEP nerdy technobabble-ish lore to chew over again and again, a thriving (not so much anymore, *sad-face*) fandom community that showed me how much better things can be with fan-created, transformative/derivitave works, Gameplay that evolved over the series to become faster, more satisfying and just fun to play, Multi-player that didn't suck and let me contribute in some small way without making me feel shitful for not having high K/D score.

There's lots to latch on to. Different cultures have different design aesthetics that are easy to read from a distance, and that shows thought put into thinking realistically (if not always consistently, but hey, modern game studios aren't nerds 24-7 and these games are fucking HUGE)

The N7 logo grew to mean so much more to me, and to the people who played it. I would wear my multiple N7 hoodies, annd receive salutes (really good ones, too!) from people wearing the same hoodie. Having a customizable Shepard meant that everyone got to make their own game. Its kinda like the realization that I had playing Oter Wilds. Everyone's ME playthrough is gonna be different, and how they understand the game's story, characters and world is gonna vastly change depending on what choices they make.

Confession Bear time: I liked the ending of ME3. I can't bring myself to try any other choice but Synthesize, but me and my Shepard see the Galaxy a certain way, and if the galaxy didn't want me making the choice for them, they should've listened to me the first time, and not dumped saving all their ungrateful assess on the shoulders of me, my crew, and my One True Love Liara.

re: Mass Effect and Kelsey (CW: LONG) 

@kelseyhusky aaaa thank you for writing that all out :D

re: Mass Effect and Kelsey (CW: LONG) 

@starkatt There was this wonderful tumblr blog that was active while ME3 was a thing called Headcannon Wednesdays. It taught me why Quarian Hip-Hop is the goddamned best music in the Galaxy, and how to to pronounce words in the Drell language, and why all the drinks are served in those silly looking tubes (the answer, if your curious, is cause Turians are the only species in the galaxy that don't have lips)

TLDR: I love Mass Effect because it was a game made for me and the people like me, and we all knew it.

Its develoipment codename was Science Fiction X. It was supposed to be tropeful and awesome, and it was. for over a decade.

re: Mass Effect and Kelsey 

@kelseyhusky okay though you agree that Garrus is the hottest, right? :)


re: Mass Effect and Kelsey 

@starkatt Garrus is handsome in an alien avian grashopper. If we're talking Turians, Nyreen Kandros is hottest. But Hottest in the Galaxy? Liara. Fite me and @ me all you want, but I will die on that hill with a smile on my face.

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