How did I get here?
Some days I feel like a bad millennial:
I have a mortgage.
I make enough money that I stopped really caring about trying to make more.
I'm not an activist.
I don't go to protests.
I've never been thrown in the back of a cop car. I got held by grocery store security once in my life for shoplifting. The worst I've officially done is all speeding-related.
I do use public transportation to commute, but I drive to Park n Ride instead of biking or walking.
I actively use the 6 different computers I own (all of which are in decent working condition)
I've been a stable relationship for over 10 years.
Its like I somehow managed to walk a very fine line between my baby-boomer, black middle class baptist parents, and the white suburban overachieviement culture I grew up in. I don't know how I did that, though.
I just tried to have as much fun as I could without getting in trouble.
I guess I succeeded? I didn't have to join the military to do it (though I probably would've gone in if I hadn't moved (got kicked out) to CA.
Life is weird, and i'm queer.
Love you all.