An email, sent to an official. CW: Local US Politics
Subject: With all due respect, your Honor:
Ms. Durkan,
I think you have done the city of Seattle a disservice. Your lack of compassionate leadership is not conducive to supporting the very citizens you were elected to lead. Your lack of effective control over the Seattle Police Department, your lip service to your community you were elected to lead, and your violation of your own announced rules of engagement, have demolished any trust a reasonable citizen would have in your leadership, or your fitness as a person with a right to breathe the same virus-infected air as the rest of us. It is my deeply held and sincere belief that your best course of action to be seen as a great leader of a great American city is to resign your office and stand aside so that the rest of us can fix the mess you, your cops, and your policies have created and fatally enforced.
Go home, write your book about how misunderstood your attempts at being a leader were, and let history be done with you. It sucks that an elected official can be so hopelessly incompetent. Don’t double down because you keep screwing things up.
Please. Just stop.
Thanks in advance,
-Orthosona Name