Words from a Webcomic, cause I still read em (Character Subtooting USpol on Main)
From a recent page in Crimson Dark, a really cool 3D webcomci I've had in my feeds so long it feels like its a default. Main character Kari is a veteran with the misfortune of having a combat mission get turned into a series of political events that spiral way past her ability to controll, which ends up conflicting with her ethics because war quickly follows, despite her best efforts to prevent it and save lives. This is being broadcasted to the opposing sides at the same time while they are duty/honor/face/patriotism/motive-bent on destroying each other.
She has a lot on her mind and she is going to give the galaxy a piece of it.
re: Words from a Webcomic, cause I still read em (Character Subtooting USpol on Main)
@kelseyhusky oh hey someone else reads crimson dark, nice!
re: Words from a Webcomic, cause I still read em (Character Subtooting USpol on Main)
realized I should've included the link: https://www.davidcsimon.com/crimsondark/index.php?view=comic&strip_id=1025