Getting to know me bandwagon
So, I think I'll just answer whatever questions you all have. No need to follow on with a list, but I'll include it anyway, just in case.
Getting to know me bandwagon. 2. As a child, what did I want to be when I grew up
I was going to the the first black Astronaut-NASCAR Driver-Fireman-CEW-President. there was about a 3 month period when I wanted to be a Power Ranger, but I grew up out of that nonsense pretty quickly and settled for giant robot pilot.
Getting to know me bandwagon. 15. What do I do for stress relief
Depends on the kind of stress. Sometimes I make lists, sometimes I clean and reorganize my room. Sometimes i just go into the garage and scream along to my Linkin Park playlist. Sometimes I get stoned. Sometimes I masturbate. But that last one doesn't really count, cause it happens all the damn time.
Getting to know me bandwagon. 18. If I were a doll, what would my accesorries be?
@kelseyhusky *gigglefits* ♥️
Getting to know me bandwagon. 18. If I were a doll, what would my accesorries be?
Hmm, Harness and leash, laptop, pink anodized aluminum paw cuffs, Kindle, smartphone, N7 Hoodie, watch.