(I think that's it for now. Thanks for reading! #GatewayStation)
Ficlet, injury
Mai, helpless until Solita was in range of the various clamps, waldo arms, and the stronger tractor fields of the docking ring, watched through their sensors as a single bipedal life sign slowly crawled from the bridge on the main deck back toward the row of life pods. A standard Class-E had 3, The Solita had 4, and only one was still docked. "[…oh ground, the mudding door is jammed!…]" sobbed across the still opened channel. "[…I'm gonna die out here…]"
(realizing I probably should've had this all typed out before hand instead of doing it on the fly like this. Hope it hasn't been too annoying.) #GatewayStation
Ficlet, injury
Mai tuned their sensor arrays as the station's tractor fields slowly adjusted the Solita's trajectory to intercept with the docking ring. A new signal from Solita pinged at Mai's awareness. Mai acknowledged the communication handshake and opened a voice channel port. "[…oh Spark this hurts…everything's broken…trying everything I can…no time… begging to get an escape pod online…]" The hiss of an empty connection was loud, even over the local EM background.
Ficlet, injury,
A stuttering emergency signal screamed into Mai's arrays, signal strength flickering in and out of coherency. "[…ISS Solita dec…aring MAYDAY…ultiple hul…reaches…react…offline…caught…crossfi…emergency jump…amdom cordin… couldn't even…that far bef… field gener…ost pow…spun dow…oh shit…]"
May shunted the repeating signal out of active monitoring to focus on retrieving the damaged ship. This wasn't the first time a vessel had arrived at the station's coordinates #GatewayStation
*beep* Raow! Are there new friends to find here?
Huskybots, nerd, trans, PoC, furry, poly, thirsty AF, budding stoner.
Replies are desired over Favs!
Status Lights:
🔶=Hanging in there but maybe say a nice thing if you have the energy.
⛔️=Not doing so hot, approach with caution.
🆘=Error state. Need assistance
AD: @kelseyhusky
Woo: @plushskies