surreal dream about being confused in a Subway
Had some surreal dream where I was in a Subway in the United States. I’ve never been to a Subway in the United States, and although outwardly it looked the same as any in the UK, everything seemed to work differently.
Most obvious to me (in said dream) was that the overhead menus didn’t list any “prebuilt” subs, nor was there a list of ingredients or anything, so I couldn’t plan ahead. The queue line was also backwards, so the first person I spoke to was the guy on the register.
He, in a thick Eastern European accent, asked me what kind of zarq I wanted. I asked what zarq was. He pointed to the array of squeezy sauce bottles they have to a larger one filled with tiny hard boiled eggs. I apologised, explaining that we don’t have zarq in Britain. I picked (the one and only) zarq.
I then got moved all the way over to the other end of the production line. Some bread had appeared (no option there, seemingly, also this footlong was only about 8 inches), and I was now being served by a black woman who—empathetic to how far into the deep end I appeared to be—helped by holding up the two different kinds of hard boiled eggs wrapped in bacon for me to choose from. I really couldn’t tell the difference, so I picked the “whomping” egg. An adjacent sandwich artist commented that I should’ve picked the other one, making some comment about coleslaw.
That’s when I woke up. I’m confused as to why my subconscious has a thing for hard boiled eggs right now.