@squirrel *offers hugs to computer*
@mawr *offers hugs to both*
@masklayer I miss my Droid 3
@masklayer my what a big keyboard you have
the better to shitpost with my dear
@Leucrotta you are surviving. you are doing enough to be fighting.
I hope you get to a point where survival itself isn't a fight for you, so you can change the context of your fight 💗
@KoBunny yes
@Leucrotta it does. survival can be a fight against everything external and internalized trying to keep you down. keep fighting 💪
@Leucrotta it's bad but at least we are still here and fighting
@asonix @shadow8t4@cybre.space can you put it on our federation request form please? https://docs.google.com/forms/u/1/d/1R8j3NHNV7wof4KrG0s_f0RiCRn6cPz_2ROQmvcICFco/edit?usp=drive_web