if ed boon sees you animating he turns you into gore reference material

🏳️‍⚧️Kyra🏳️‍⚧️ boosted

re: the apple silicon backdoor 

What uncritical consumers don't understand is that even if you pay a premium for privacy and security it makes no difference. That's marketing bullshit. There will *always* be someone with a bigger wallet or bigger stick who wants your insecurity, and your personal information, more than you can justify the effort to the manufacturer(s). iPhone users should not be surprised about hardware backdoors with secret register values and undocumented instructions, as there has been far more sophisticated schemes found on both cheaper and more expensive equipment. If you are on an intel or ARM machine of this era it really ought to be the expectation, not the exception. People who have paid far more for far more luxury hardware than a mere apple gadget have been fucked like this. Not to mention actual professional grade hardware.

the cool thing about "evri" is they don't employ anyone who knows what a doorbell is and they're guarenteed to leave your shit in the most stealable location they can find

🏳️‍⚧️Kyra🏳️‍⚧️ boosted

*an american parent, seeing an NES* finally. a V.C.R. ... with a gun. this will allow me to teach my Son to hunt

*a british parent, seeing an NES* we've already got a video. we dont need another video! we're paying out the nose every month for one video as it is!! and this one plays completely different tapes

falling behind an enshitification curve they themselves established. now that's that Nvidia promise

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with Nvidia BSAA™®©, now you can replicate the experience of playing an Xbox one game on a TV with motion smoothing and anti aliasing that look bad and can't be turned off and add several ms of lag. And you can do that with a monitor and GPU that combined cost as much as 17 Xbox ones

watching/playing etc something bad doesn't magically make you a Hitler. That's satanic panic US christocult logic. Engaging with art is just like... the point, to me. Why would I boot a game or play a song for the first time if I wasn't interested in what the people behind it were trying to say?

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when people say x media is good "if you just turn your brain off"... don't know what's up with them but if something only works when you don't examine it then it's probably actually crap. You can enjoy media that's bad morally or technically while engaging with it. That's just what media literacy is.

if you like Lynch's work, try and make some art today.

I'm going to be burnt out literally until I die

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I wish there was a cure to burnout besides being rich

🏳️‍⚧️Kyra🏳️‍⚧️ boosted

Imagine dragons.
This is an order.

the fake AI bubble is going to collapse and the only people who'll suffer that I feel a single shred of sympathy for are the kids who got tricked into thinking the lying machine was a good source of information, or worse, a friend

like over Christmas it doubled even though nobody was in the fucking flat

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theres like 3 water meters attached to where I live so I think they just charge us an average even though there's several flats, I think at least one of them being an extremely busy illegal airb&b occupied by like 15 randoms

in an effort to never have to pay anyone ever again, tech companies have reinvented the mechanical turk but instead of a little guy playing chess, it's a bunch of borderline slaves helping a predictive text rat king generate gibberish at massive environmental cost

are you worried that blocking makes you the asshole in this case? Well now the person you blocked has one less asshole to deal with. 2 problems solved babee

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you should block anyone who even annoys you a little bit. youll see a lot of people arguing with ghosts but maybe then block them too if they do it too much. lets foster a culture of not having pointless fights with annoying strangers who will never recognise your personhood

🏳️‍⚧️Kyra🏳️‍⚧️ boosted

*extremely lyle lanley standing at chalkboard voice* so, cyber means computers. and punk means, they suck

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