so here's the lowdown! I pretty much quit the internet 12 months ago
RSI in my wrists, and a bunch of work to do meant I decided to limit my computer use drastically. I blocked like every website in my hosts file. pretty much stopped using the web except for e-mail. stopped using my phone etc.

For a while I felt kinda peaceful not having any distraction. it was like when I first got my own computer when I was a kid. no internet? have to make your own amusement. I was getting a lot done too!

even when I relaxed some of those restrictions, I'd fallen off the wagon with social media. no longer part of my daily routine. no longer know how to be Online. Wow! I felt smug about it. but after a while I just felt lonely.

I kept thinking about all the people on here and how I really missed them. what would people think? "Where have you been!!!" I kept putting it off. Too scared. And it's been a busy year so I always had some excuse, something else in the Real World I could be doing instead

anyway I'm back now.
I'm gonna try to work out some extremely life hacky Time Boxing approach to internet where I make posts & batch reply to people during exactly 1 Hour Each Day, or maybe for 5 Minutes Each Hour, or maybe I'll turn myself into a robot or something

also I don't know what the hell to do about the 12 months of unanswered replies in my notifications. i'll try to get round to them soon!!!

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