control stream Streaming Control gamedev stream gamedev stream world of goo stream
there's a LOT of socks that purport to fix some kind of medical issue, but none that seem to be able to treat the whole "having human feet" thing doom eternal
streaming more doom eternal
I get that d2 has some interesting weapons but with the special ones you can only equip one at a time. In Wf i can carry a gunblade, a pistol that can shoot its own mag out to make a gun turret & an otherwise normal shotgun that I've specced so there's more than twice as much buckshot, which is radioactive & serrated & crits more than 100% of the time so the crit multiplyer gets applied at least twice per projectile, of which there are 30. I shoot a machine god & it shatters like cheap crockery
I used to make art for this site.
Helped a little with An Outcry, helping a little with Blanksword.
Starting to think I'm too disabled for real jobs, so let me know if you have a fake one that pays ok