peanut butter broccoli tofu is delicious and i must consume the world's supply immediately

@vahnj so, maybe a dumb question, but my mate wants to join awoo, and the sign up page mentions bugging a current user, but I can't figure out how to send an invite. is that a thing i can do?

fc was a blast, though. it was fun to hang out and say hi to a lot of people, even if i did spend an inordinate amount of time playing stardew valley in our hotel room

drinking, sads, repression 

got drunk tonight and ended up crying a bunch, which to be honest is kind of okay because i've needed to cry for a while, but I haven't been able to. every time i dig up a new memory and process it, i find that there are more lurking beneath. got to keep digging, though.

i keep thinking about playing Caves of Qud again -- the environment and style are interesting, but i'm still at that "I don't know what I'm doing" stage of playing

like i get that this is a Silly Thing To Be Hung Up On, but still

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set up a pi-hole this morning, which was fun -- saw dnscrypt as an option, but the main US server has a .biz domain, which always makes me a little wary, especially if i'm going to be passing traffic through it 😐​

jumping back into awoo/mastodon as twitter starts to feel weirder and weirder. </mr-bones-wild-ride>

general wankery and navelgazing 

It's difficult to talk about things like this, because like it or not I'm formulating, engaging with, and articulating these ideas from the standpoint of human desires and models of the world.
As a human being, a very specific one with a very specific subset of The Human Experience™, I'm not sure I can step outside of that.
I don't really have the correct background to be going down this road, but it's interesting to think about.

general mopery 

Some things about humans are just difficult for me to deal with, I guess.

No articulated inequity, only measured resource exploitation -- maybe they're robots or engineered entities, but they wouldn't be us, and they wouldn't have our drives and cruelties.

I like people a lot of the time, and I know that idyllic or superficially peaceful images of nature are an illusion allowed by distance from the conflict found in less engineered lifeways, but in my head the world would be a lot better that way.

I kinda wish that instead of humans that we had a small population of some kind of peaceful elf yetis or something that would just kind of hang out in forests and learn things and occasionally find each other to mate and share information and art and insight.

I've been wandering a lot more lately and it's been really nice. I keep discovering interesting new corners of the city.

On the upside, I made it home and now I'm gonna be a productive cat and work on dinner and dishes. 😸


Ugh, everything is cigars today.
Walked past an open air lounge on my way back from lunch and it smelled wonderful. Then I come home and there's a catalog in my mailbox.
I keep thinking about smoking again, but I sure as hell don't want to deal with nicotine withdrawal again. Probably the stress.
I need to figure out how to unsubscribe from these mailing lists.

It's already warming up in the valley, but at least the farmer's markets are starting up downtown. Once I'm not broke again, I'm gonna load up on fruits & veggies. :3

I probably just have to dig in and work through a MOOC or something like NAND To Tetris or something. I just don't know how to think in larger scales aside from modeling very specific problems.

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