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I kinda wish that instead of humans that we had a small population of some kind of peaceful elf yetis or something that would just kind of hang out in forests and learn things and occasionally find each other to mate and share information and art and insight.

whoa! tech‼️ 

@thefishcrow Yup. You stack the frames as layers and then export as animated gif. You just gotta make sure they're in the right order. But if you're converting from video, then ffmpeg might be easier.

current events, politics, healthcare 

@Mycroft It's okay, we both have our own worries. These are difficult times.

current events, politics, healthcare 

@Mycroft Cool. I was uninsurable before the ACA and have a number of chronic illnesses. With insurance, I can barely afford my meds, & when I couldn't afford them it landed me with an ER bill that I'm still paying off.
I've been in your exact position regarding income level and it sucks, but a lot of people are gonna hurt for this, regardless of how they felt about the ACA.
I do agree that we need something better than the ACA, but this is still legit bad.

I've been wandering a lot more lately and it's been really nice. I keep discovering interesting new corners of the city.


Oh dang, that's interesting. I think I've had similar miscommunications with folks in the past, but was never sure why. Thanks for letting me know!

tobacco, alcohol 

*nods* Yeah, I thought about vaping again, but when I did I found the whole experience unsatisfying. I actually really like the taste of a good cigar (especially with the right whiskey), so when I vaped I was just feeding the addiction without really enjoying any of it.
Nah, I'll be strong. It's just been a long couple of weeks.
Just a note— you don't inhale cigar smoke, you hold it in your mouth. If you try to inhale that, you're gonna have a really rough time.

On the upside, I made it home and now I'm gonna be a productive cat and work on dinner and dishes. 😸


Ugh, everything is cigars today.
Walked past an open air lounge on my way back from lunch and it smelled wonderful. Then I come home and there's a catalog in my mailbox.
I keep thinking about smoking again, but I sure as hell don't want to deal with nicotine withdrawal again. Probably the stress.
I need to figure out how to unsubscribe from these mailing lists.

It's already warming up in the valley, but at least the farmer's markets are starting up downtown. Once I'm not broke again, I'm gonna load up on fruits & veggies. :3

@Fuego Somehow I'm not entirely reassured by that. XP

I probably just have to dig in and work through a MOOC or something like NAND To Tetris or something. I just don't know how to think in larger scales aside from modeling very specific problems.

At work most of my coding is for ad-hoc research or administrative purposes, and I'm not really sure to bridge the gap between that and applications or system oriented programming.

I really need to get better at coding. I know enough to get a lot of things done, but not enough to get them done well.

@Firstaide Thanks! It's from a badge I commissioned from ThayRustback for last year's BLFC. :3

So, yeah — I'm a 30 year old part-time student data poker with a strong preference for unixy stuff and anthropomorphic animals. I live in California with my mate and hope to start attending more cons once we're less poor.
I'm here because Mastodon seemed like a cool idea and the moderation policy on Awoo seemed to assuage most of my reservations about distributed communications platforms.
So, umm, Rawr and all that!

Hi, I'm Limni and I'm excited to see what the hullabawoo is all about.

Awoo Space is a Mastodon instance where members can rely on a team of moderators to help resolve conflict, and limits federation with other instances using a specific access list to minimize abuse.

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