@drwho I would think "A need not be A" is probably the more reasonable formulation.
@drwho Agh. Apologies. I grew up with Anthem at 12, Fountainhead at 13, Atlas Shrugged at 14. It took me a dozen years to kick the habit and a dozen more to stop missing it. I missed the visual joke for the philosophical meta-analysis.
@drwho I ended up digesting the whole thing. Even Galt's Speech. It took me a very long time to get close to anything resembling wellness. They're like philosophical carbon monoxide for me. They're so close to sane that just one or two universes away, it's possible to imagine people who are actually like they are and mistake us for them. But we're not them, and we can't be like them, the people in those books. And trying to be like them kills us.