@indi Spokesbeing for the spirits of tools, of toys, of loving craft. The software of love a coder writes in their spare time. The heart-lung machine over which families pray. The electric lights in the urban darkness. We didn't stop needing mediums. They just speak a new language.
Then again, what is "artifice"? Cleverness, cunning, illusion, subversion. I hear there's a word for folks whose specialty falls in that realm. Might want to look there too.
@indi I can see that. To flesh out that second half, "artifice" definitely carries trickster overtones, and the whole idea of "medium" implies translation. Bridging the "created" and "found." The "crafted" and "discovered." Finder of materials, imbuer and freer of spirits. Upcycler, transformer. Maker and unmaker of things in loving tribute. Blurring the line of "natural" and "artificial."
Beyond that, I don't know. These are ideas, but this is ultimately your path. **offers hugs**
@literorrery That helps a lot, actually. :) Thank you.