@silby@spooky.camp @shel I believe that life is fundamentally an absurd proposition, in the sense that there is no inherent meaning to Frame Zero and any attempt to impose meaning upon it is necessarily artificial. Living in good faith demands that we remain aware of the reality tunnels in which we place ourselves. Reality was never aligned with Neoliberalism the Egregore's reality tunnel, and as people have woken up to that understanding, those who remain within it are panicking.
@silby@spooky.camp @shel The collapse of shared curation of Frame Zero has given rise to Liberalism the Egregore's victims attempting to create a new shared vision based on the promises of and nostalgia for the past which were never real but only perceived. Samsung's HypnoTV is just the manifestation of Space Ghost's purchase of a mind-erasing kit. We have all always been responsible for curating the narratives of our own lives. Now we have to do it without a shared external frame.