@Floe I'd love to take a look n.n
Lewd musing
And before it comes up, I use duckduckgo, so it shouldn't be due to Google's search result tailoring :P
MH (-)
Struggling a lot with compulsions the last few days, and already fucked up a while back. Really weird how this seems to happen with hypomanic (rather than depressive) episodes, but I guess it fits. It's like this constantly building chatter that I can't quite make out that soon gets to intolerable levels, and when I act on it, everything goes blissfully quiet for a while. During depressive episodes, everything's dead silent and horrible :P Still, glad I'm out of the recent one.
@Proxy@snouts.online @dog so good live @.@
seattle local, question, electrolysis
@Oneironott Queen Anne Medical in LQA. They're also really good trans healthcare providers with actually trans folks on staff n.n
@qdot What is wrong with his faaaaaaace
this is a drill #MastoArt
CC BY-SA. high res: https://eq.ed1.club/art/2018-10-26-this-is-a-drill.png
✨Plush✨ folks, Muzz is open for commissions, and I can attest to them being really good at plush stuff n.n http://www.furaffinity.net/journal/8922318/
Topic: NSFW commissions
@Saxxon I wonder about that with Os, yeah c.c
Recovering techie with an MFA in creative writing at Cornell College, working on like a kajillion writing projects at once.
Trans/nb, queer, polyam, median, constantly overwhelmed.
Skunks&: https://makyo.is/plural