Pokémon porn, birtsite links
I dunno why, but Lucarios (Lucarii?) always look COMPLETELY flustered, overwhelmed, or surprised in porn? It's delightful ^^
Art by @ibuybread@twitter.com
re: Marijuana
@foxwitch@queer.af Sure!
1/4oz pot of your choice
375-500ml everclear
- Grind pot and spread in a thin layer on aluminum foil
- toast in oven at 200F for ~15 minutes, stirring every few minutes (it should start to yellow, but not brown)
- Combine with everclear in a 1qt mason jar, seal tightly
- Place jar in a pot of water (need ~2" up the sides) on top of a coil of aluminum foil to keep the bottom of the jar from touching the bottom of the pot
- Slowly bring to a boil, simmer for about 30 minutes. The everclear in the jar will boil, but the pressure will not build up enough to be a danger. The lid must be sealed TIGHT, as everclear vapors near heat are a danger.
- Turn off the heat and let pot and jar cool together to prevent shocking the jar.
- Filter and bottle. Store in the freezer.
Avg dose: 1-5ml (use an oral syringe). JD's done 10ml and couldn't stand anymore :P
@poss_bot mmhm. 375ml. Usual dose is 2-5ml ^^
Marijuana, con noncon
@CoronaCoreanici *scribbles notes furiously in a Steno pad*
Marijuana, con noncon
@CoronaCoreanici totally fair ^^
Thus decarboxylated, we move on to the fiddly bit of "boil high proof alcohol in a sealed glass jar :X
Marijuana, con noncon
@CoronaCoreanici this has literally come up between us. Not that particular idea, but "please drug me and have your way with me". I'll have to keep the specifics in mind to use on someone less... Kinsey 5.995 ^^
Now seeking volunteers✨
Selfie (+)
@CoronaCoreanici ahahaha
Yeah, true~
Selfie (+)
@Entropy_in_Drag mew! /)U/////u(\
Selfie (+)
@CoronaCoreanici gosh, gosh /)uwu(\
@qualia _o/
Recovering techie with an MFA in creative writing at Cornell College, working on like a kajillion writing projects at once.
Trans/nb, queer, polyam, median, constantly overwhelmed.
Skunks&: https://makyo.is/plural