re: lewd :3c
For serious, though, at MFF I got to experience Dog Couch, where I reclined in my partner's lap while dilating and I can totally see where you're coming from. It's like, despite the mundane, boring nature of dilating, it's also an intensely vulnerable situation and position. There's a lot to be had from that stillness.
(And hopefully this isn't out of bounds, since I only know you from Mastodon and old art, but that seems like it could totally be your thing ^^)
re: GRS recovery, dilation, silly, vid
@audrey it means I'm stretched enough at this level of dilating that I can just push a toy out and don't need to do it as often, which is nice ^^
@colon_three You had me until it started drifting. I believe the proper response to turning the wheel like that is to go tumbling end over end :T
They came out with an album this year, but it's not really my thing. from 2014 is pretty good, though!
I watched a deep-dive into The Proclaimers and both their big hit and their careers beyond that and dang, they made some good stuff @.@ is currently my jam.
re: RP, super vaguely lewd
@digifox it's good, yeah :D
re: RP, super vaguely lewd
This kinda turned into "here, pile our kinks on the table and let's make an RP out of it". Not quite a crossover or whatever, but no complaints ^^
re: RP, super vaguely lewd
("We should also maybe do something with the three of us" certainly helps with the positive feelings, natch)
Hey, remember Michael Jackson? Michael Jackson really happened! Delta echo alpha delta, walking on the moon forever~
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Recovering techie with an MFA in creative writing at Cornell College, working on like a kajillion writing projects at once.
Trans/nb, queer, polyam, median, constantly overwhelmed.