Now up to $1800! All the original stretch goals were funded, so I have added stickers and bookplates at $2000 and a full audiobook at $3000~
The Kickstarter for Marsh, the new Post-Self novel, is now live! One year, one month, eleven days downtime, and 1% of the System now missing...
Finished all of Marsh except the epilogue. Revision is going to be intensive but it feels good to have it done. #skunkceteraRye
Post-Self Kickstarter
I will be launching a Kickstarter for Marsh, a new Post-Self book, on January 1!
There is more about it here
re: imagined animal violence
@CoronaCoreanici *preen* ^^
sleep (-)
@BigDamnProject vrrrrRRRRRR
Game design sounds hard as hell, but also super fun. Sounds like a good, if maybe scary dream ^^
@Mycroft Oh! Goodness, should've looked at that first. Thank you!
@Mycroft the latter was a bigger draw, yeah, though I've seen some of the former. I'll do some poking around ^^
@Entropy_in_Drag cats <333
horny, impreg kink
@ShugoWah "Egg me up before you go-go
'Cause I'm not plannin' on going solo~"
re: Dysphoria, GRS recovery
@AzureHusky Yay! Yeah, that's sorta the feeling I had, even though I was in pads for a while. Like, it was just so much more me ^^ I'm still incredibly happy for you <3
re: NSFW, irl lingerie pics
@AzureHusky I never thought to ask, but how has wearing panties (and lingerie!) felt since surgery? I know that, for me, it was super affirming that suddenly I didn't feel like I was at risk of slipping out or stretching the fabric ^^
Recovering techie with an MFA in creative writing at Cornell College, working on like a kajillion writing projects at once.
Trans/nb, queer, polyam, median, constantly overwhelmed.