Spent the evening talking to doggy friend about parenthood and family and now I'm all vrrr about it. I stand by not wanting to bring another life into this world, not wanting to subject them to or risk passing on my mental health, and not wanting a kid to have to deal with the stigma of a trans parent.
But... :P
@indrora or, well, maybe not "well done" so much as "complete, in all its horrors" :P
@indrora right? It's actually super well done, if that's the aesthetic they were going for @.@
What is going onnnn
This is Adidas' current website to sell some of their shoes. I feel like I'm having both a seizure and a total Geocities moment.
@cassi there is a refill there, it's just not covered. I may just pay out of pocket for this month so I have enough energy to holler at insurance
(should note that this is new insurance, started on Oct 1, so it has to go through the auth phase again. Not unexpected, but still not good :P)
I like writing slice of life stuff with flowery prose, but sometimes you gotta just write goofy shit n.n
Another 2k words n.n Digging back into old NaNoWriMo story, just for something light and fun to work on. It's dorky and pulpy.
(Yes, I know of at least two bits of media the base conceit is similar to. I promise it wasn't intentional x.x)
Cost of a new car in Ontario is about 33500, so that's about $8.4M of car in one particular lot, at one particular time.
That's enough to run ~25% of our entire transit infrastructure for a year in upfront purchase price alone, not counting gas, road upkeep, etc.
Recovering techie with an MFA in creative writing at Cornell College, working on like a kajillion writing projects at once.
Trans/nb, queer, polyam, median, constantly overwhelmed.