I really want to fill out the polycule graph all the way out and see how big it really is, but I feel super weird asking folks further out about that c.c
Will make it volunteer based, though! If you're on https://polycul.es/36a668e676628088cf66e3d2a3985e010e28679a and have partners not listed, feel free to let me know so I can update it n.n
@Floe @AzureHusky @poss_bot @Entropy_in_Drag I'm just, like...frothingly happy for y'all :D
@emanate second, I think? Since Heff is the first metamour away from me. Either way, you're on the graph n.n
I already had one moment of "wait...so we're actually third-degree metamours?"
Can't wait for more n.n
@Entropy_in_Drag aaaa yay <333
@cassi yeah, they did surgery on a grape.
distracting myself from being in a funk by watching prime boyfriend material (Schwäbisch Hall Fuchs) https://youtu.be/TNhv2IyodjY
@orrery I'm kinda terrified of my dad, honestly c.c I totally agree with you that it isn't healthy company, though. This was no small part of the impetus to move away from CO.
@AzureHusky well, yes, but -also- today.
Recovering techie with an MFA in creative writing at Cornell College, working on like a kajillion writing projects at once.
Trans/nb, queer, polyam, median, constantly overwhelmed.
Skunks&: https://makyo.is/plural